ZMQ Example

An example of how to use a ZMQStreamer to generate samples, with some small benchmarks along the way.

# Imports
import numpy as np
import pescador
import time

Batch Generator

As always, you have to start with a generator function, which yields some simple batches. Since this is a toy example, we’re just yielding some random numbers of the appropriate shape.

It is important to remember that the first dimension is always the “samples dimension” (batch size), since the BufferedStreamer will concatenate batch components together along this dimension. Therefore, we have to force the target to be of 2 dimensions.

def batch_gen():
    batch_dict : dict
        A batch which looks like it might come from some
        machine learning problem, with X as Features, and Y as targets.
    while True:
        yield dict(X=np.random.random((1, 10)),

Basic ZMQ Usage

Here is a trivial ZMQStreamer example, using it directly on top of a single Streamer. We leave it to your imagination to decide what you would actually do with the batches you receive here.
n_test_batches = 1e3

# Construct a streamer
s = pescador.Streamer(batch_gen)

# Wrap teh streamer in a ZMQ streamer
zs = pescador.ZMQStreamer(s)

# Get batches from the stream as you would normally.
t0 = time.time()
batch_count = 0
for batch in zs(max_batches=n_test_batches):
    batch_count += len(batch['X'])
    # Train your network, etc.

duration = time.time() - t0
print("Generated {} samples from ZMQ\n\t"
      "in {:.5f}s ({:.5f} / sample)".format(
          batch_count, duration, duration / batch_count))

# Outputs:
# > Generated 1000 samples from ZMQ
# >   in 0.57073s (0.00057 / sample)

Buffering ZMQ

You could also wrap the ZMQStreamer in a BufferedStreamer, to produce “mini-batches” for training, etc.

Note: You could put the BufferedStreamer before or after the ZMQStreamer; it sould work both ways.

buffer_size = 10
buffered_zmq = pescador.BufferedStreamer(zs, buffer_size)

# Get batches from the stream as you would normally.
iter_count = 0
batch_count = 0
t0 = time.time()
for batch in buffered_zmq(max_batches=n_test_batches):
    iter_count += 1
    batch_count += len(batch['X'])

duration = time.time() - t0
print("Generated {} batches of {} samples from Buffered ZMQ Streamer"
      "\n\tin {:.5f}s ({:.5f} / sample)".format(iter_count,
                                                duration / batch_count))

# Outputs
# > Generated 1000 batches of 10000 samples from Buffered ZMQ Streamer
# >     in 1.69138s (0.00017 / sample)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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